
Forges of Ravenshire

Created by B.A. Games

Run your forge in this 1-4 player dice placement, engine building game. Compete for the title of Forgemaster in Ravenshire.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

February Update, Planned Production, 2 Final Obstacles
7 months ago – Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 05:16:13 PM

Hello Fellow Blacksmiths!

Checking in to give you an update on Forges of Ravenshire. There are only 2 things preventing us from getting this game manufactured.

#1) Lunar New Year - For those who don't know, it is a HUGE deal in China. To quote from an article written on, "Even if CNY is only a seven-day public holiday in China, the break in production for Chinese based suppliers, contract manufacturers and partners, can last an agonizing four weeks. During this time, almost everything shuts down including the government and factories, while ports and customs usually operate with a minimum staff focusing on perishable and priority items."

Lunar New Year officially started February 10th, 2024.

We were not able to get the final aspects approved in time due to some file miscommunication on the factory side of the equation. 

#2) Final Approvals - However, we were able to get a new set of games in before they closed up shop for the holidays and we can approve many of the samples. There are a few tweaks to the files in order to push the game to the standard you should all expect from B.A. Games. Examples below:

Correcting issues with color matching across the game, Alchemist Guild Yellow needs to be Alchemist Guild Yellow. Cuts for the coins need to better match the images. Don't want too much empty color space on the edges, looks bad.
New Contract Card Layouts are looking awesome! Really like how these turned out.
We saw the tokens and though they were okay, they felt fuzzy and lacking finish. We came up with the black lining and contrast change to help them pop, be readily visible, and look finished.

What's the plan?

We have been told we will be the first to production when they open back up since we are so close to being ready to go and we have already scheduled a video call to go over all aspects of the game a final time. So to re-iterate the schedule.

Production Start - March 1st

Production Finish and at Port - March 31st

Arrive in the U.S. - May 15th (assuming issues with the Red Sea)

Fulfillment Start - June 19th 

Until next time my friends, keep forging on!

-Sam Stockton

Production Updates and Timelines
8 months ago – Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 12:12:43 PM

Production Changes

Well, with many late nights and caffeine induced conversations and getting things prepped, we were hindered by elements outside of our control. The new date to get things on a boat and start the journey across the oceans will be March 31st, 2024. 

We were on track to still hit our goals and print everything and be ready but the dice for the game were being produced by another factory (standard practice in the industry) and they are shutting down early for the New Year due to a viral outbreak in the area. We looked at using other partners for the dice but by the time they get the information, specs, and testing done, it will be too late before the New Year happens. 

Troubles at Sea

If you have not heard about the troubles surrounding the Red Sea and the Suez Canal, the threats and troubles there are very real with missiles, drones, and pirates. So, a number of transportation companies are refusing to use that route and are now going south around the Cape of Good Hope in Africa. This trek takes a longer time and will postpone fulfillment if it happens.

This is a concern and hopefully this is all resolved in the next month or so but we are watching things closely. Either way, once it is on a ship, we are expecting the arrival of the games May 15th, 2024 in the U.S., assuming current issues in the Red Sea. Other parts of the world will arrive sooner. They will then make their way past customs and to our fulfillment partners. We would expect fulfillment to start by June 19th, 2024 in the U.S. Other regions of the world will likely start fulfillment before then. Canada will have similar timing to the U.S.

Pledge Changes

For all of our $1 backers and anyone else looking to modify their pledges, we will start locking pledges February 21, 2024. Anytime before that date will be the easiest time to make changes. You can still make changes after that, but it will have to be handled individually by emailing [email protected]

TLDR Schedule

Locking Pledge Manager - February 21st

Production Start - March 1st

Production Finish and at Port - March 31st

Arrive in the U.S. - May 15th (assuming issues with the Red Sea)

Fulfillment Start - June 19th 

Updates and Questions

We will keep you all updated as we always have and make sure you know what is happening. If you have any questions about the process or the game, let me know, happy to answer them. 

Until next time my friends, keep forging on!

-Sam Stockton

Updates, Fixes, Manufacturing, and the New Year
8 months ago – Mon, Jan 08, 2024 at 02:36:54 AM

Happy New Year!

It is always so energizing to start a new year. Well, enough chit chat, let's get down to business.

Down to Business - Issues and Fixes

We received pre-production copies from China a week and a half ago and we had a good discussion with the manufacturer on what the game needs for full production. However, there were some issues that needed to be resolved.  

Issue #1 -  Unfortunately, they had the old files for Forges of Ravenshire lingering in their system and printed those instead of the new ones. Though they printed some components from the new files? It was strange.

Fix #1 - It is an easy fix but they do have to do a whole new reprint of the pre-production copies in order for me to approve them for production. I am in daily contact with them and I am awake and readily available during their work day in order to answer questions and work on getting the new copies produced and approved. So...yay graveyard shift and staying awake until 5am!


Issue #2 - The wooden tokens we received were too thin and were all strangely printed on white wood. The ones we received were slightly under 3mm in thickness when the agreed upon thickness was 5mm. So in reality, they should be about 67% thicker and printed on various colors of painted wood.

Fix #2 - They are currently redoing the molds for the wooden tokens so we can have them at 5mm in thickness. So a job well done to those backers spotting that issue with just a picture. They will also be printing the tokens on a variety of colors in order to better help identify components during the game.

Approximate size difference
Good sized wooden tokens, just need to get them thicker!


Issue #3 - There were some decisions made at the factory that made for some strange printing on the wooden tokens. So, the tokens are very resilient to damage and color wise they look absolutely fantastic! Hyped about that part, however, there were some strange borders that were printed.

Fix #3 - They are doing a reprint with the print modifications to make sure size is consistent and the removal of those strange borders on certain wooden tokens.

Wooden Token Border Issue


Issue #4 - The metal coin designs look and feel great but they do not meet the requirements we have for coin thickness, color and do not match the specs we agreed on. The aging on the copper color specifically is far too dark and makes it difficult to read.

Fix #4 - They will be redoing the molds and then seeking our approval for the new coins once they are done. 


Overall Timing, Logistics, and Finalizing Pledges

According to the factory, it is going to be really tight in order to get it produced and shipped before Chinese New Year. We have been informed that we are a top priority to fix the issues and will still make it in time before the their holiday season. Which would mean we would still be on time for an April 2024 delivery. However, stay tuned...we will have another update before the Chinese New Year starts on February 10th to let you know what is happening.

While they have been doing this, we have been getting all of the information finalized for shipping and the logistical journey our game is soon to make. 

If you have not finalized your pledge because you have been waiting, now is the time to do it. 

Thank you for your patience and until next time, I'll be living off of caffeine, naps, and communications with our Chinese manufacturer.

Keep forging on, 

-Sam Stockton


Production Update, Conventions, and Play Forges of Ravenshire for Free Online
9 months ago – Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 07:25:32 PM

Hello Fellow Blacksmiths!

Thank you all for the kind words and steadfast support we have received from you during this process. We have been working dilligently with our manufacturer in order to get the pre-final copies or "error" copies in order to do final checks and get these games printed! Thus we have been rewarded with a couple of pictures to help show that progress. We have a picture of the wooden tokens stuffed into a few bags and another with the metal coins spread out on a table. 

NOTE: THESE ARE NOT FINAL! We will be getting these in the mail soon as they have to ship to us from China still so we can physically check the copies for durability, color, and counts.

Wooden Tokens for Forges of Ravenshire
Metal Coins of 1, 5, and 20.

Production Schedule and Chinese New Year

For those of you who don't know, China celebrates a Lunar New Year that basically shuts down much of the country for 2-4 weeks. In 2024, that will be happening in February and it can cause delays for games who are in production and freight shipping at that time. However, we have been assured multiple times that Forges of Ravenshire will be done and out of the country before the Lunar New Year starts. Meaning produced, on a ship, and sailing the seas before February 14th. 

We will keep you updated but we are so close to the finish line! 

Conventions In 2024

We will be at a number of conventions next year. So, if you are going to any that we are going to, please make sure to stop by and say hi. We love meeting friends and backers! 


March - Great Plains Game Festival

June - Origins Game Fair

August - Gen Con

December - PAX Uplugged

We also have a few other shows like GAMA Expo but those are more geared towards industry professionals, retailers, etc.

Free This Month On Sovranti!

We have an excellent partnership with an online board game platform called Sovranti. During the month of December, their game library is free, including: Forges of Ravenshire! So if you are itching to start being a blacksmith or just want to prepare yourself for the arrival of your game next year, check out Sovranti! Go to

Until next time my friends, keep forging on, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!

-Sam Stockton

All Files Are In! Manufacturing Process Update!!
10 months ago – Fri, Nov 03, 2023 at 06:20:59 PM

All Files Are In!!!!

I am so hyped to inform everyone that all files have been submitted for Forges of Ravenshire

So, what is the next step?

The next step is for the files to be checked over by the manufacturer and then once all files have been approved on their end, we will be sent an "error copy". Which is a fully physcally produced game that we will verify that everything looks and feels as it should. Cardstock is the right quality, colors look good and properly blend, inserts and token sheets fit, all components are accounted for, and more. At that point it is the final review and we say, "It's GO TIME!" 

What about the previous files you mentioned being submitted, like the metal coins?

In order to keep moving forward on our timeline and get the game produced and to our backers as soon as possible, a month or two ago we submitted: metal coin files, wooden token files, and the neoprene mat files. These components take the longest to process and manufacture as special tools and molds have to be created in order to produce these components in a large quantity. So, we submitted them way earlier than the rest of the files. This means we should smoothly be able to add the rest of the files like the player boards and the cards.

What is the Timeline?

Our original timeline had:

  •  All Files Submitted - 28th of June 2023
  •  Quality Check - July 2023
  •  Production - September 2023
  •  Freight Shipping - December 2023
  •  Fulfillment - April 2024

The new  timeline is:

  •  Metal, Wooden, and Neoprene Files Submitted - September/October 2023
  •  All Files Submitted - November 2023
  •  Quality Check - November 2023
  •  Production - already started, finish December 2023
  •  Freight Shipping - January 2024
  •  Fulfillment - April 2024

How is it possible we are still on track to fulfill in April?

We were able to work with our manufacturer to better prioritize files that needed to be submitted earlier and were able to start that manufacturing process closer to the original timeline. Also, freight shipping has been improving over the last year in its ability to move through the logistics system. Meaning that ports are not as crowded as they were and there are more open spaces availabe for freight on ships. 

Content Updates Incoming...

We will be having some more content updates coming since the files have been fully finished; meaning we will be able to share with you all of the goodness that is Forges of Ravenshire.

Question for everyone, would you prefer to have the entire content of the game revealed and spoiled or would you rather have some mystery when you receive the game?

Wooden Boxes for Europe and Beyond!

If you ordered a wooden box and are not residing in North America, we have a price for shipping these to you from the states. For most of you, it is coming in right around $85 US Dollars to ship the box from the U.S. to you (some a little less and some more). I sent out emails quoting your updated shipping. Please reply to these emails. We will not lock or charge your card until we get a reply. 

If the above shipping price for a wooden box sounds good to you and you wish to add the box to your order, please send an email to [email protected]. He will add it to your order and confirm pricing with you. 

Backers - We still have a few backers at various pledge levels who need to fill out the pledge manager. If you are unsure if this is you or not, just send an email to [email protected] and he will get back to you. Also at any point, feel free to contact Ed at [email protected] with any questions as we march towards fulfillment.  

$1 Backers - Even if you are not going to order the game, it is very beneficial if you can spare the time to close out the pledge manager. This allows us to close out your pledge. This makes bookkeeping on our end much easier, and we appreciate your help in this, if you can spare the time. 

Retailers - We still have a handful of retailers who have not filled out a form. Please check your email and look for one from [email protected].  If you can't find it or not sure if you filled it out, feel free to send an email to [email protected].

Until next time, Keep Forging On!

Sam and Ed Stockton