
Forges of Ravenshire

Created by B.A. Games

Run your forge in this 1-4 player dice placement, engine building game. Compete for the title of Forgemaster in Ravenshire.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

September Update, Numbers, Molds, and 1st player Coin
12 months ago – Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 03:45:31 PM

September Update 

1st - Charging Cards

Cards for shipping have been charged. If you haven't seen a charge, it is due to one of a couple of things:

  • You have ordered a wooden box, and you don't reside in the U.S. or Canada. If this is the case, I am still working on shipping, trying to get it as cheap as possible. 
  • You ordered Cult of the Deep and you don't reside in the U.S. or Canada. If this is the case, you should have gotten an email from me (unless you ordered a wooden box then you are still waiting). We no longer have copies of Cult of the Deep available to fulfill outside of the U.S. and so I have emailed you with what shipping is going to cost. I have not charged your card and am awaiting your response on what to do.
  • You are a retailer. You should have seen an email with a link to an order form. I need this in order to create invoices. Please go to the form. (link is in your email; if not, email me: [email protected])
  • You thought you filled out the pledge manager and you have not.  If this is the case, you can look for an email from Backerkit, go to this link to get your pledge Manager link, or send me an email: [email protected]

2nd - Interesting Back End Numbers

Now for some interesting Kickstarter numbers. We try to regularly communicate with our backers and fans but we sometimes get questions from other potential creators or people just interested in the Kickstarter process. So, here is a quick little snapshot of what the back end looks like right now. Also, it's a reminder if you are in these unanswered categories and you haven't completed your survey, please email [email protected]. We have to make changes individually at this point.

1,121 - Backers total

878 - Pledges filled out

7 - Card errors unanswered

8 - Apprentice pledges unanswered

19 - Journeyman pledges unanswered

6 - Mastersmith pledges unanswered

196 - Dollar backers unanswered pledges

27 of 47 - Retailers have filled out pledges.

3rd - Molds Have Started!

With the submission of the metal coin and wooden token files now completed after some back and forth, they have now officially started the process of creating the molds! As this process takes the longest of all the components, getting it started now will help us get the game to you as soon we can.

We have been hard at work on all of the "paper" components (cards, tokens, boards, etc.) refining them and making sure they meet B.A. standards. We have also made a number of edits to both rulebooks to make sure it is as streamlined as possible but also provide good examples to make sure it is easy to learn and teach the game. It's really coming together nicely!

4th - 1st Player Coin

We have finished the design work for the 1st player coin and it has joined the other coins getting their molds started. I apologize in advance that I am not the best at working the software to make better pictures of the coin but here are 2 images to give you an idea of what it will look like.

Until next time my friends, keep forging on!

-Sam and Ed Stockton

Updates to Contracts and Locking In
about 1 year ago – Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 04:05:14 PM

Hello fellow Blacksmiths! Thought it would be good to do a small update since today is the day to lock your orders. We would prefer to have you lock in now; however, if you don't, all is not lost. We can still make changes on the back end, we just have to do it manually for you. So, if you find yourself in that situation, please email [email protected]. He will take care of you.

Contract Updates

These have recently been approved and put into the final files for production. Thought you would like to see them. Note that the edges have bleed on them, meaning the outer edge goes further than the actual card so when you cut the excess, it leaves a nice cut. However, thought you would like to see some of the fruits of your name submissions and voting.

All of the Common Contracts were pre-named by us so this one will not look familiar to you.

Until next time my friends, keep forging on!

-Sam Stockton

Locking the Pledge Manager, Stretch Goal Update, Updates to Components, Retailers
about 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 02:28:53 PM

Pledge Manager Update

The original plan was to lock the pledge manager yesterday but we are going to push back the date to next week, Friday, August 25th. We are doing this for a few reasons. The main one is after a few comments from fans and backers we realized we should give you more information and pictures to help you finalize your decisions. 

So, below you will find the most up to date information on the components.

Now, when we lock the pledge manager, it won't be the end to the changes. We will take changes to orders and addresses until the games are loaded onto the boats but it will be on a more individual basis. You will need to email, [email protected].

Stretch Goal Update

We have been working dilligently to finalize files and quadruple check everything for production. During that process we got the artwork for modifying the player boards and we started to run into problems. The additional artwork in the guild workshops seems to be causing confusion and problems in legibility for new players. People eventually learn to overcome the confusion but that is not a place we like to be in. We want to try and make games as intuitive and quick as possible to learn so people can focus on playing and strategizing instead of trying to read and understand the graphics.

So, we are going to have to pivot. In compensation, we will be doing a special 1st player metal coin to be put into every copy of the 1st print run. We are working on a STL file as we speak but it is not ready yet to share with you all. However, we will share it as soon as we have the file ready.

We apologize for this change. The initial sketches worked pretty well but after adding color and getting final artwork, it made the area way too busy and convoluted. 

We hope you can understand the changes that were needed and we will keep you updated on progress on the 1st player coin.

Trays and Inserts

We received updated copies of the trays during Gen Con and we are pretty darn happy with the product. They are going to be using a thicker plastic on the trays than originally discussed to provide better rigidity and use. We also got the initial tray covers and I like how they lock to the top of the trays. They hold well but are not a huge pain to "unlock." They are still prototypes so they may look a little unfinished and the final product will be smoother but I am excited to be able to add these to a quality game like Forges of Ravenshire. Please forgive the bad photography.

Prototype Inserts Update

Metal Coins

We have finalized the files for the metal coins and are currently submitting them to start the process of making molds. Here are some images of the STL files. As soon as we get any test copies, we will take some pictures and show them to you. 

Wooden Tokens

We are currently working on finalizing shapes and designs for the wooden tokens. The tokens will be cut and molded to a general shape unique to each token type. The wood will also be colored to better reflect the color of the resource. I am attaching a picture of a token from the manufacturer that shows some aspects of what we are working with. 

**NOTE: This is not what our tokens will look like but will give some idea to thickness and printing. For thickness, refer to the circle token in the bottom left.**

Ours will be cut to the shapes shown on the token and will be colored to better reflect each resource. The icons will also be the same as they currently are in the game.

Downpour Dice (3 sets left)

This is where my photography skills are truly lacking. We have received test copies of the hand made dice and they are in a word...gorgeous! There will also be a Raven Broker die but it is not finished yet.

Alchemist Dice and Badger Die
Harvester dice with a moving liquid silver core. Kind of like a mini snow globe!
Merchant Dice w/ a Geode effect

I apologize for such poor pictures! These things are truly masterpieces and I am not doing them justice at all.


To our retailers, we have sent out emails to all of you with a form to fill out to get some initial numbers. If you haven't received it yet, please email [email protected] and we will get the form to you.

Until next time my friends, keep forging on!

-Sam Stockton

Pledge Manager Closing Soon and Gen Con!!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 02, 2023 at 02:28:37 PM

Pledge Manager

We are currently at 798 of 1127 surveys completed for Forges of Ravenshire. The plan is to close the Pledge Manager in a few weeks so please make sure you get in there and complete your pledges.

Gen Con

The hype is real as we are now at Gen Con and the booth is set-up! Tomorrow starts the 1st of the best 4 days of gaming. We love seeing fans, friends, and backers. So please come by and say hello, Booth #464.

Come say "Hi" and take a closer look at Forges of Ravenshire! Booth #464

Bigger Update Coming Very Soon

We have been working dilligently in the background and can't wait to give you a bigger update in the next week or two. We have been hard at work with inserts and putting the final touches on everything. Very excited for you all to see what this game is going to look like when everything is finally done and it is going to be quite excellent.

Until next time, keep forging on.

-Sam Stockton

Lots of Information: Surveys Out, Important Dates, Progress, and Gen Con
about 1 year ago – Thu, Jul 06, 2023 at 04:25:05 PM

Smoke Test Complete and Surveys Out

Thank you to those that have filled out your surveys and participated in our Smoke Test. Special thanks to those that found errors and let us know of the problem. This is why we test!

Missing Survey

Everyone should now have received a link to the Survey. If you have not, and it is not in a spam folder:

1. Go here, and recover the survey and get it sent to you. This should work.

2. If the above doesn't work or you don't want to do the above, send an email to [email protected]. Please send it from the email address you use for Kickstarter and also, keep in mind that The Duke will be traveling this weekend (he is currently in the process of moving from New Mexico to Illinois this month) but he will get to you as soon as he can. We appreciate the patience!

Retailer Surveys

For retailers, we will be contacting you individually in approximately 1.5 to 2 weeks via email. We are not ready for the invoicing stage yet but are sharing with you your special retailer pricing and getting an initial order estimate. This will help us reserve copies for retailers as well as get more accurate production numbers.

Pledge Manager Dates

Pledge Manager is currently set to close August 15th. Then orders will be locked and then all orders and pre-orders will be charged. The Duke will be going over each individual order himself and if you need an exception, please let him know, [email protected].  He would love to work with you and make things happen the way you need them. 

Switching Pledge levels

If you are a backer and you want to switch to a different pledge level, on the very first page of the survey, it gives you the option. There is small writing underneath the "Get Started!" button (Don't ask us why its so small, not our choice) If you click that link it will give you the options to switch pledge levels. 

Pledge Level Switch

Something is Wrong?

Thanks to you, our intrepid smoke testers, we have fixed a few problems with shipping. If things don't look right to you, the best thing to do is contact [email protected]. He handles most of the back-end wizardry.  We appreciate the individuals who have identified issues and allowed us to resolve them. Please feel free and ask away or point us to issues, as much as we would like to think we have absolutely everything fixed, this might not be the case. Plus, The Duke gets lonely and enjoys answering e-mails. 

Wooden Boxes and  European Wooden Boxes

We asked people their thoughts on Baltic Birch versus Mahogany and we are going with Mahogany. We looked into options and offering both types and splitting the boxes into two types would increase the cost as well due to having less quantities of each. Also, it is what we originally promised and so it is what we will deliver. 

To our European friends, we still need more in order to lower the wooden box price significantly. That being said, when we lock down the Pledge Manager, The Duke will get with each and every European Backer who ordered a box to make sure we are all on the same page and what the cost will be. We will offer full refunds to anyone who no longer wants the wooden box due to shipping costs. Any questions, email [email protected].

Timeline So Far...

A lot going on:

- We are currently working on finalizing trays and inserts to make sure they provide a good experience for people. 

- The new Guild Tokens have been designed, tested, and just need a few more final tests to make sure they are where they need to be. 

- Contract cards are going through a re-design in order to read better and provide better information at a glance. 

- Currently, working on an update on the player board that I am very excited to show you when it is done. 

- Assistants are coming along with testing. A few more tests and we should have those completely nailed down.

Overall, we are making great progress and the plan is to still have production starting in September. We will keep you updated as we go. We should have pictures coming in the next few weeks.

Gen Con

We are excited to be at Gen Con this year and we want all of you to come by and see us if you are there! We will be at Booth #464. 

In General

If there is a problem with the Surveys or questions in regards to the Surveys, contact The Duke,  [email protected].  Just thought it would be fun to reiterate that. 

Until next time,

Ed "The Duke" and Sam Stockton